* How did he come to "play traunt"? Can't blame him, he had a good time (but worrying time for us) at home with attention from caregivers for many weeks when he's sick. On the day we sent him back to school, he kept insisting he's sick, and pretended to cough to prove his point. He even said "If I go to school, meimei will miss me". Good try Jovy.
* He loves telling me "You are so pretty, Mommy", and has learnt that saying that brings a smile to my face so knows when to use it (e.g. when I am mad at him for something). Hahahaa.
* He is very protective of meimei when out playing with friends, and will get fierce if anyone snatches her toys or accidentally nudges her. I guess only he himself can snatch her toy, sigh. But I must say he's getting slightlyyyyyyy better at sharing. Hope this gets better.
* He is eager to demonstrate to meimei how to use the nebuliser, and is very helpful and accomodated me when I asked him to dance in front of Jaz to distract her from the nebu.
* He grooves and bounces very happily when there's fast music.
* He loves "helping meimei walk", and will hold her hand or nudge her when she's taking toddling steps. I am usually torn between stopping him from making her fall or encouraging his brotherly concern.
* He likes to say "Its a morning day" when describing that its daytime...he also say "Its night day" when describing night time heheeh.
* Since he turn 3 yrs 3 months, IF he happens to wake up at night and we are still awake in the living room, he no longer cries, but will open the door, walk out of the room and calls out "Hello!!!" then contentedly gets back to bed with one of us and falls asleep again within 1 minute. This boy slept through the night at 4mths till he's 1 yr old, whereupon he started waking up.... It got better and he slept through again, then around 18mths he has these night terrors in which he started crying/screaming in his sleep and is unaware of our attempts to soothe him despite our efforts, but will soon stop at his own accord. Then the episodes dissappear and sleep through again. Until nowadays he will wake up sometimes one time at night between 12-1am, like how I mentioned above.
* He love playing with meimei more and more now, and the feeling is reciprocrated. The 2 of them had a very good time whenever they play in this submarine ball pit. Jovann is very considerate and will wear a mask when playing with meimei if he's sick.
* At SSO Babies Prom 2009. We managed to be there early this year for the pre-concert activities, which turned out to be rather interesting. Besides the free balloon arts, they also set up 4 stations introducing the different types of instruments - woodwind, percussion, string, brass, and showing where each group of musicians will be sitting during the concert by their different colour t-shirts.
* He's totally....TOTALLY...into dinosaurs. He loves them to bits, anything dinosaurs goes. He can identify and pronounce the names, syllable-perfect, of the following types of dinosaurs:
>> the more common ones...
- Tyrannasaurus Rex
- Stegosaurus
- Triceratops
- Velociraptor
- Bronchiosaurus
>> and the more obscure ones (at least to me!!)
- Pterosaur
- Ceratosaurus
- Spinosaurus
- Scelidosaurus
- Ankylosaurus
- Therizinosaurus
- Duckbill dinosaurs
Thanks to him, I had a crash course whenever we read him the Dinosaurs Encyclopedia which is his current favourite book at bedtime. He has countless dino books, dino National Geographic card game, dino puzzles, numerous dino figurines, dino umbrella, dino bubble gun (which doesn't work...bleh), dino cup, personalised dino wallet (thanks Auntie June!), personalised dino bag (of course!), and of course.....tickets to the Dino Hollywood show!
But then again, that was quite a dissappointment lah, to us, NOT to him. He had the time of his life. He kept pestering us to bring him there once he knew we have tickets to a "Dino show". We bought 4 adult tickets from my corporate road show as we know he is bound to ask to go again a 2nd time. And he did! Anything dinosaurs goes...and these ones can roar and move and blink! Though he was terrified that first time and refused to touch any, but he couldn't keep his amazed eyes off them, and kept up a running commentary throughout. He kept asking for stegosaurus and duckbill dinosaurs though, which wasn't at the exhibition. The adults (us) found the show lacking in that it doesn't have sign boards indicating the dino breeds, period of existence and characteristics. Strange that such a much talked-about show lack the fundamentals. It was smaller than we expected too. However, the 2nd time we went there, the boards were up! Kudos to the feedback process!
There was this bridge that was mechanised to feel like its rocking on wild waters that threaten to throw you over into the waiting jaws of the dinosaur on the left of the bridge. I thought that bridge was quite fun heee.
Both times, after the show, he went wild at the merchandise display store...really tonnes and tonnes of dino related merchandise. I myself couldn't keep that calm that first time there. :P
In between the 2 visits, Jovann and I happened to make a handmade picture frame. Jovann did 60% of the painting himself, and he was mightly proud of it. He chose a photo we took (him, myself and a Ceratosaurus) during that 1st show to take the place of honour inside the frame. And at the 2nd visit, he wanted to bring that picture frame to show the Ceratosaurus!