Poor thing, you are sick again. Its the 3rd time you are sick. And the 3rd time its bacterial and you need antibiotics. You are as active and happy as usual, but can see that this cough is the most discomforting so far, very phelgmy and you have trouble sleeping. Ah Ma, whom I think passed this to you, is also taking a long time to recover. Strong stubborn bug this time. Pls get well soon.
How you have grown. Looking at recent photos of you makes Daddy and Mommy realise how fast you are growing up. All your little quirks and habits, are all precious in our hearts and we love it more and more each day.
*** @ 19 Months ***
..1plus months ago, you have started liking books (FINALLY). but only when we lie down and read to you, so that happens at every bed time. Your favourite books then was Little Blessings and The Lost Sheep, both bought for you by your God Ma Yipei as your baptism gifts. You always asked for these 2 books and only this 2 books when you were 17-18mths old. Seems like once you start you want more and more. Now, at 19 months, our bedside table is filled with more than 10 books (Little Blessings, Lost Sheep, Busy Railway, Cheeky Baby, Devotions for Toddlers, When I am Feeling Loved, Story Book of Jesus, The Little Blue Engine that Could, Three Little Pigs, Beauty & the Beast, Rumpelstiltskin, and some more). Once you start drinking your milk on our bed, you will pat the pillow next to you, asking one of us to lie down beside you, then once we did, you will point to the bedside table and say "book". I will have to show you 1 or 2, until you find one you want, whereby you will nod your head (if you don't want that book you will wave ur hands no). So we will go through the books till you finish your milk.
... For some reason you like playing with door stoppers. you can spend some time looking for door stoppers and putting them carefully all under our bedroom door in a row.
...When Daddy pretend not to want to kiss you, you want to do it all the more, and will hold his head in both your hands and move him forward to be kissed. Like this.
.. You love drinking the original cod liver oil. Every night now Mommy will feed you. Sometimes it takes the cod liver oil as a prize to persude you to take med. Don't know why you like it since it taste yucky to me, but you do. You will patiently wait for me to feed you all the spoonfuls from the measuring cup, then getting impatient, will grab the spoon and cup from me and start feeding yourself. When you are satisfied that you have cleaned it out, you will walk to the sink and drop them both in.
... Its very hard to feed you breakfast now. I have tried many things, but you just don't eat much except fruits you like.
...You like doodling, which to you is just drawing lines and lines on the board, and can hold the "pen" quite prettily.
... you can drink from cup pretty well now, except when you get too excited and pour most of it onto your shirt. You prefer adult cups to your own straw cups.
... you still refuse to chew your food much. Somehow your molars are very slow in coming out. They are still inside your gums!!
... You like to drink soup
... You tend to mix up your "F's" and "S's". When asked to say "Soup", you will say "Foup". When asked to say "Sure", you say "Furh". When say "Fork", you will say something that sounds like "Sock" instead. hehehee....
... you like sitting in Mommy's lap for cod liver oil, to be fed medicine, or just to watch TV. you will come in front me, turn around so your back facing me, and reverse and plonk your bottom onto my lap. In my condition now, I have to be constantly careful you don't bang into my tummy, which you tend to do a lot of times.
... You will kick a fuss during nap times or bed times refusing to be put into your cot. Your eyes can be closed and your arms limp (signs that you are asleep) pretending to be asleep, but once we put you into the cot, your thighs and arms will tighten around us and refuse to go down. But when we put you on OUR bed, you will either give a cheeky secret smile, or just roll over, hug the bolster and proceed to sleep. We are kicking you of this habit. One night (think it was Thursday night 17 April), Mommy was making you sleep and it happens, you refuse to go into your cot. No amount of coaxing or persuasion could make you let go of me. You kept crying piteously once I try. I was getting mad, and scolded you "Its very naughty of you to do this, this is the LAST time you are sleeping in our bed, don't think you will get your way EVERY time". I plonked you down sitting on our bed while I prepare our bed, huffing with anger, with your pillow and bolster. You stayed in that sitting position, head down, quiet, not a word. I thought you were upset with my voice, and for a moment I felt guilty and heartpain. I went to you and peered down at your face. You lifted your eyes up at me, and I realised there was not a single sign of upset-ness (I know there's no such a word) in your face. Instead, there was a cheeky grin!!! which grew larger and more cheeky with each passing second you look at me!!! I knew I had lost, AGAIN. Sigh...
... You will say "GOAL!!" after you kick a ball.
... you can play with our new maid, but you refuse to let her wash you up, bathe you, feed you, or change your clothes most of the time. Hehehee.
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