A Little Space to Call Our Own

Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

The 2 of us

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The sweet things Jovann do

You have always been affectionate, and that warms my heart coz after knowing I am carrying a boy in the 1st pregnancy, I always worried if my boy will be true to form - noisy, boisterous, loud, too busy running around with toy machine guns and not in the least affectionate or loving. but fortunately, you are everything a mom like me would want.....

When you were younger...you already tend to look up at me when I asked you "Do you love Mommy?" and give me soft wet kiss on my lips in response.
Now, when I asked the same question, you will gaze at me and sometimes tighten your arms around me in a hug.

When we leave Ah Ma Ah Gong's house in the morning, you will sometimes cry for us. And you like to come to the metal gate and give us wet gentle kisses through the bars, on the lips.

You cry for me when I reach home, sometimes pushing aside Daddy to reach out to me with both hands, with a beseeching look in your eyes. When I carry you over, you will give me a bear hug and have a contented smile on your face when I started planting kisses all over your cheeks while you try to tell me about your day in your toddler language.

Sometimes you will place both hands on either side of our face, turn it towards you, and kiss us. The more we pretend to resist, the more you do it.

You like to feed me with morsels of food, either with your hands or with your spoon. Its so sweet that when you are eating you are thinking of me too. When you are playing with your cooking toys, you will walk halfway through the house to feed me with your pretend food.

Last night, in the middle of the night you cried. Daddy carried you to our bed, and once you lie down you searched for me. Our face was close, and you lifted your right hand and placed it gently on my left cheek, softly feeling and touching it, and you softly called "Ma Ma....". That was ultra endearing....you kept doing that on and off for the next half an hour, as if you wish to ascertain that your mommy is still lying beside you. and you slept with your right arm over me protectively.

Today, the first time you gently brushed my loose fringe away from my face so you can see me better. You did that twice...with a super adorable expression of concentration on your face, its so sweet.....

When we bathe together, you will help me soap or try to wash my face...

Everytime we are in the lift and someone gets out before us (or if we get out before the others), you will wave and called "bye byeeee!!!" to them in your high pitched kiddy tone that is so cute. Everyone, even the most sour-faced neighbour, will wave back at you.

I like it when you look around the whole house for me, or wait outside the toilet door, banging on it, waiting for me to come out, calling "ma ma....ma ma" all the time.

When I pout or say "pain"...you will sayang me on the head...sometimes you kiss the painful area too. When Lao Goh pretend to hit Ah Gong once during CNY, your eyes brimmed over with tears and you sayanged Ah Gong after looking reproachfully at Lao Goh. Even with your friends, once a friend was crying coz he lost out in a toy fight with another toddler. You walked over to the crying boy and sayanged him...

When we are reading "Blessings Everywhere" and we get to the page where 3 friends were hugging together with the words "Bestest friends in three way hugs", you will turn towards me (or Daddy if he reading to you) and hug us. Recently, when we are reading "Goodnight Thumper" and we get to the page where Mama Duck was kissing her 3 ducklings good night, you removed your milk bottle and bent down to kiss the ducklings too.

Once at the zoo, Mommy was sweaty under the hot sun, but you suddenly took it into your head that you wanna kiss my neck, and that was so itchy both of us were laughing away. Recently you found out mommy feels tickled at the neck, so if I tickle you, you reciprocrate by tickling my neck and both of us would be giggling like kids.

***** You are our wonderful gift from above, and the love and blessing of our lives *****

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