A Little Space to Call Our Own

Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

The 2 of us

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Birth Story

My Birth Story

Hubby and I have been planning and preparing for a hypnobirthing labour. In fact, we attempted it with Jovann last time, but didn't get the drug free birth I wanted coz the labour was super long then (26 hours starting from contractions 8mins apart). I really really wanted it for this labour/birth with Jazreel, and hubby was so so supportive. I am so happy to say we did it this time. :) :) :)

Friday 24 Oct
Gynae check up. Baby not engaged, no dilation of cervix at all. Gynae nonchalantly said see you in a week's time. super dissappointed. Went home kept talking to baby.... I am 2 days before EDD. I was kinda getting impatient coz I don't wish to be so overdue (more than 41 weeks) that gynae wants to induce me. I wish to avoid induction.

Saturday 25 Oct.
Slow discharge of mucus plug the whole day. Have read that mucus plug discharge means cervice is thinning and thus prob dilating.

Sunday 26 Oct

2.15am I felt my braxton hicks getting funnier and funnier, more intense, quicker. I didn't time them, but just did my slow breathing and visualisation every time it comes.

2.15-310hrs - I tried sleeping it off, and it was a mark of how tired I am that I realised I DID fall asleep in betw surges, but woke up half way during each surge.

- Knew for sure its the real thing this time. Di (my new instructor) told me if the surge duration is 60-70s apart, GET TO THE hospital. even if I can still talk betw surges. So i tapped sleeping hubby on the shoulder, tap tap tap tap a million times, and that Hubby actually tried irritably shrugging me off before I tell him what's happening, whereupon he came wide awake and started timing.

- 3 surges later, hubby came fully awake coz the surges were 100secs, 80secs then 140secs. and freq is 8mins. Hahaha. I was still in 2 minds whether to go hospital, dun wana a drawn out experience like last time. but we check our notes, YEP we better go.

0505hrs Arranged for my parents to come over, I took a bath, then lie on sofa listening to the cds. Finish packing bag, then off we go.

- arrived. Had a surge in the carpark, leaned on hubby and did balloon visualisation. requested for a pro-hypnobirthing midwive.

- midwife stripped me on CTG and asked me gently if I want a VE. we thought for some time, and agreed. Can't resist not knowing where I am. yeah, its 5 cm! I also agreed to an enema.

0600hrs to 1000hrs
- During the next 4 hours, I did what we have been preparing for all these months. our scripts, visualisation, slow breathing, time distortion, everything. Hubby read the scripts, our room was darkened and relaxing oils are sprinkled all over the room, spa music on in the background, hubby's iphone in my ear and I am playing the hypnobirthing tracks again and again and again. This time I laboured sitting in bed, with the birth ball and my own pillow. I didn't feel like sitting on the birth ball, neither do i feel like walking this time. I wanted to stay focused. Hubby kept asking if I want water (keep me hydrated) and heating the rice socks to soothe my lower back pain during each surge and doing light touch massage for me. I was so deep into the slow breathing and relaxation I didn't wish to talk. Even when I know someone's in the room talking to me, I just grunted. Hubby handled most of it as he has been advised to do.

Felt the surges tripping over each other, almost like 1-3mins apart. Thought of having a VE to check. But yet apprehensive of the results. Nurse happen to come in with the gynae (first time I see the gynae that time), and I asked them to let me think if I want a VE. we called Di. Di was so so nice.. (totally unlike the OTHER hypnobirthing instructor we knew). she told me "go ahead and have the VE, but even if the VE shows you are only say 6cm, remember that it doesn't mean it will take you hours to get there. It may happen much faster than you expect. so go ahead, but dun place too much emphasis on it (and it turns out she was totally RIGHT)." I also asked her shld I listen to the doc to lie down to labour coz doc has commented my sitting up position is causing baby's head to push against my pelvis. Di replied "labour in whichever position your body tells you". I know I didn't wanna lie down flat, but neither do I wanna sit since the doctor said that.

0945hrs - Doctor came in, did VE. She said I am only 6-7cm and added "I am going to burst your water bag, coz 6-7cm after 5hours is too long, I wanna check if baby has passed meconium inside". Then she waited for my decision, with her hand poised to perform that snip, because she knows my birth plan requested no interventions if no medical emergency. It was a super tough decision. Knowing what bursting membranes will do (intensity of surges, affect baby, cascading effect), and also knowing the recent CTG check showed baby is doing well and fine, I replied "Let me think about it". Gynae went out.

I turned to lie on my left. I was starting to worry if I can bear with another few hours of intense surges like this without giving in. but i tried to focus on Di's words, and on the surges itself. Amazingly, within 3 surges, on the 3rd surge, i felt a powerful and uncontrollable feeling down there. so this is what the urge to bear down is like. I rem frantically asking am i pooing or whats happening? What was originally a quiet labour suddenly changed its tone. Hubby called nurse in and nurse went to call doctor after observing for a while. I started making noises I cant control. now i understand why women make so much noise when pushing. Its instinctive.

1030hrs - Seeing that flurry of activities by the doc and nurse, I knew I am finally going to meet my little girl soon. Hubby was wonderful, reminding me to breathe the baby down, breathe the baby down. But with the gynae and nurse commanding me to push and push and push, i think I pushed more than I breathed down. Well, so much for J-breathing. But at least I tried. :P

And so our little Princess Jazreel was borned. :) Drug free, no episiotomy.
Weight 3.42kg
Head Circumference 35cm

Active Jaz came out with the umbilical cord wound twice around her neck. She also nearly came out "en caul" (with waterbag intact). Hubby saw the doctor cut the waterbag as Jaz was crowning. We saw babies being borned en caul in the hypnobirthing videos, but we didn't expect to experience it ourselves.

We are so happy we had the labour and birth we wanted this time. Thanks a MILLION to Di (www.parentlink.org) and to my dearest hubby. Muaks!

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