A Little Space to Call Our Own

Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

The 2 of us

Monday, May 18, 2009

Jovann is 32 months old

He's growing up and he say's the darnest things:

## When I ask him to go and sleep and when he wakes up we can go ride bike, he will argue and negotiate "ride bicycle first then sleep!!!"

## When I accidentally knock onto him and I exclaimed and wanted to sayang him, he assured me "its okie, its not your fault"

## The evening I asked him to help me play with meimei while I have my dinner, he said "OK!" obligingly. But a minute later, he called the maid over and said "Auntie, sit down here......., look after meimei ok?? Ok! Byebye!" and ran off to watch TV.

## I love you very much you know???

## Told meimei (when she don't want to finish that last 100ml of EBM) "meimei, Mommy make milk for you to drink. Milk good for you!"

## Asking us "your sure" only it comes out "you fhwa"?

He's better with colouring within pictures now. Though his strokes are still rough, but he tries to colour within. These are colouring pages I have downloaded off the net on his favourtie cartoon. He was super excited to see them.


He's been singing these songs at night and asking me to sing with them. I love the way he sings them in his off pitch voice, and sometimes making up lyrics hehee.
* Skinamarinky Dinky Ding, Skinamarinky Do....I love you.... (except he sings it "Shinga shinga The Ring, Shinga Shinga The Ring....." hahahahaa!)
* Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
* 一闪一闪亮晶晶
* Sing a Rainbow (the enthusiastic off pitch way he sings the chorus always tickles me no end)
* "Jesus song"
* Incey Wincey Spider
* This Little Piggy

When he wanna ask us to wait for him to do something, he will say "Wait Daaaahhh!" with his palm out twds us.

When I draw open the curtains in the morning and the bright sunlight suddenly comes in, he will cover meimei eyes with his palm, in an attempt to shield her from the sudden glare. Only his aim is so bad he usually end up clasping his palm on her forehead instead. But the idea is there. :)

He is always happy to see her in the morning and will give her a hug

He loves to have me lie down my head on his lap when we sit in the car, if meimei is not with us. Then he will stroke my hair, play with my hair and head gently.Daddy always get jealous coz J dun ask him to lie down nor will J be so gentle hehee.

Since a month ago, Daddy started using tooth floss with the bedtime teeth brushing routine, and surprisingly Jov likes it! Every night, he will ask for "tooth floss". Thanks Rina for that idea!

There are jealous times of course. When I carry Jaz, sometimes he will gaze at me with that look on his face as if trying to find a word to what he's feeling. After some internal struggle, he will look up at me and ask "I want mommy baobao".

He made up this funny rhyme himself a week ago, bits and pieces from 2 original nursery rhymes.
"6 little piggies went to the town!
upstairs and downstairs
wee oh wee go home!"

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