A Little Space to Call Our Own

Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

The 2 of us

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Just some photos I like when I am looking through my database.

Jaz is 3 months plus now...its really a joy watching her grow...

- She has started squealing to herself recently, since last Saturday. She squeals when she's happy, squeals when she's talking to herself, squeals when she's complaining. quite high pitch girly squeals, so funny.
- She is very responsive with her smiles and chuckles, if you laugh or chit chat or smile at her, chances are she will reward you with a gummy sunshine smile in return.
- She's more than a princess, she's an EMPRESS. Do you know whats her fav way of drinking milk sometimes? By lying on the bed, with her hands up on either side of her head, eyes half closed, me either lying over her (in a wierd position) and nursing her (my back and neck and shoulder screaming for mercy all the time), or bottle feeding her EBM. When she's in this mood, she dun want to drink when you carry her, she don't want to nurse when you carry her. But once I put her down, and feed, she drinks. Goodness. My little empress.
- This photo is one of my fav, taken on a Wed afternoon. Just one of my regular snapping and captured her in this funny pose, it seems like she was laughing and dancing at the same time. Looks very vain hehee..or maybe she's doing gong xi gong xi.

- She loves to be on the changing table, even if she was crying the min before. She will look up, look around, and smile at the top shelf, many times chuckling happily, twisting her little torso, kicking her legs, squealing with mirth. Heee!
- She complains herself to sleep sometimes.
- Maybe I am lucky, or maybe my efforts paid off, Jaz slept through the night since that night I mentioned she slept from 9pm -8am. She has been sleeping through since, besides one single day when she's over stimulated and woke up once at 1.30am. Else she is managing 8/9pm to 8am/9am most days (sometimes waking up around 6am for a milk feed then back to sleep).
- Jovann loves meimei very much, but now as he's sick, we have to seperate them, and he seldom sees her. I let Jaz stay in her room the whole day when J is at home. No choice... :( It IS tiring doing this, really hope J recovers totally soon. Not good for a small kid to be sick so long. the poor boy was on nebuliser, but I have to say I am proud of him, as he's quite receptive to using it.

Hey, previously mentioned that I had a peranakan kerbaya during my wedding. Coz my grandmother-in-law (Jaz and Jovann's chorchor) is a Nonya. My FIL is a half baba. hhmmm...does that make hubby a 1/4 baba...and Jovann a 1/8.....nevermine.

Friends were asking did I wear the suit complete with beaded slippers and gold brouch and the camisole. Yes I did. Somehow I find I didn't look good in it with that hair (now after watching the Little Nyonya I reckoned, on hindsight, that I should have bunned it up back then haa). So we only chose a few pics. Here's one! Its black and white lah, coz the coloured one I looked auntie I think. The top is red with pheonix, the bottom brown/maroon sarong. Yes a kerbaya does bring out the curves in you, even if you didnt have any. :P I was rather angular back then. Not the rolly polly me now after 2 kids. :P

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