A Little Space to Call Our Own

Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

The 2 of us

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jovann is 27mths

Jovann turns 27th months old in Feb. a few more days to go and he will be 2 1/2yrs old. 6more mnths after that and he's 3! oh goodness.

* He has started to use certain words more often like "with" "and", "or", "under", "in front", "too", "also". quite funny sometimes.

* He has started asking "why" questions. But still full of mostly "What" and "Where" questions.

* He can make the numbers 1-5 with his fingers on his hand now, during CNY! :)

* His speed of picking up vocabulary is scary. Many times he will surprise us with words we didn't teach him before, prob picked them up from school.

* He loves singing songs learnt from school, and since he's singing out of pitch (:P), we have to try to decipher what song he is singing and the lyrics. Some of the songs we overheard him sing goes like "Thank you Jesus...thank you Jesus (their saying grace song in school)..." and "朋友你好。。。。 朋友放开。。。。朋友牵手, 我们走。。。" hehee don't know what song is the latter!

* His latest fav singers in Daddy's car is Josh Groban. Classy! He will try to sing along, but will replace Mr Groban's best tenor parts with toddler yelling. After all, he hasn't had any choir training, unlike his parents....ah-hem....

* He has been oh so affectionate as usual.Nowadays he's back to being even more sticky to me. At night, I keep hearing him chant to maid or to hubby "I want mommy...I want Mommy" like a broken record, when I happen to be nursing Jaz in the room. Then when I go into our room after Jaz is asleep, he will call out happily "Mommy's here! Daddy, go outside." poor hubby.

* When I am putting him to bed, he will snuggle close to me, put his face close to mine, and say things like "I want to hug mommy", or "I want to kiss mommy" and follow up with a kiss. Sometimes he touch my cheek gently and says "I Love you Mommy...". And he's been asking us to baobao even more often now. I did read that with a new sibling, the older one may revert to babyish behaviour to gain attention, so we try to accommodate him while we can, but not overly so.

* He is having very very baby progress on his chewing,but progress it is. now, with my bento efforts,he has started chewing small pieces of grapes, watermelons, and even small pieces of pear. Yes!

* He's very doting towards his sis. Ever since I bought him the doll to play with and care for, he has not hit Jaz (*cross fingers*) from then on. Now he still loves to see her being bathed, being fed milk. Once he even fed her milk while she lay on his lap! and when I took over the bottle and Jaz to feed, he picked up his doll, and find for the toy bottle, to plug it into the doll's mouth! Will find that cute photo to upload soon. (I can't find my SD card reader!!!)

* Now he can play phychology with my Dad. Whenever they bring him to NTUC and they reach the carpark, Jovann will want them to carry, so he will say "危险 Car coming. Wait BANG! 痛痛 外公抱抱!" haaa...

* When I am wearing a certain colour e.g. pink, he will ask "Mommy, are you pink?".. hehehe so funny I always have to try not to laugh.

* He likes to "help me pump" when I pumping milk, so I will let him press the pump once or twice to make him happy. Once, when I was pumping milk, he said these...."Mommy, are you pump?" then when I replied Yes I am pumping, he wanted to hold it and said "I hold I hold!" Then he stared intently at the pump, and said "Got....there! coming coming. Milk come down!" hehehe!

* He will ask "Mommy are you tired" if he sees me yawn.

* He still says "Finish" as "Finisss...".

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