Jovann was not feeling well the few days leading up to the CNY celebration, so was absent from school. But his nose cleared the day before, so we could bring him to the celebration in the end. Yippeee! Its his first ever school celebration! And he wore the chinese costume Ah Gong bought for him recently in JB. Ah Gong bought the wrong size initially, and he actually went back to the shop to change it few days later. So Jovann, see how much effort Ah Gong make for his first little grandchild?
Walking to the hall from his classroom, led by his teacher.
J sitting with his class...
The nottie one playing with his clothes.
At one point, he super hiao. I mentioned earlier that he was absent the past few days, thats why he missed the dance moves taught by their teachers. However, he picked it up real fast that morning when he saw the kids dancing, and stood up in the middle of the hall dancing himself, doing the hand movements. Hehehe, so funny! Mdm Oh had to command him to sit back down many times.
This is him doing it.
The celebration was really fun, the teachers put up a short play on the story of 年, and some teachers including the principal gave a dance performance using pink furry fans and long red chiffon scarves, so funny! Mdm Oh was one of those holding the long red chiffon scarves. :P hehehe I got most of all these on video, but I don't think I will post it lah. The Nursery, K1 and K2 kids put up excellent performances too, singing and dancing to CNY songs. Really lovely the way the kids dance so enthusiastically, some shaking their butts sideways so hard they bump into their neighbour, some standing in the wrong place thus finding themselves partner-less during one pairing sequence. You really have to be there to see it. I kept laughing and smiling and chuckling non stop. How I look fwd to the day J can stand up there to perform, so fun right?! All the proud parents were there with their cameras and even videocams! Cool! Its sweet how our little ones little achievements (even just shaking their butts on stage) made us feel so happy inside. :)
After celebration, they went to the canteen for the first time (pre-nursery level I mean) to have their snacks.
Well, J as usual didn't eat his biscuits loh. :( But he put back his plates into the bin, as instructed by Mdm Oh. So cute, all the kids did the same! However, J DROPPED it into the bin, and made a loud clanging sound. Mdm Oh said "What happened? Jovann, pick it up and put it back again." And he guai guai obeyed heee!
Around the time Jaz was 2 mths old, I could sense J developing a sense of jealousy through little actions of his. Thus, I made up my mind to spend more one-on-one time with him, while leaving Jaz to the care of hubby, helper, or putting Jaz at my mom's place while I bring J out alone.
One, I filled our masterbedroom build-in bathtub with warm water, throw in the toys, then told J that I am bringing him swimming! Of course he's happy, but looked a bit confused when I told him we are going to swim in the bathroom! I changed him into his swimsuit, and I myself put on my own swimsuit too! in we go! We had a splash of a time, its so heartwarming seeing him enjoying himself, during our silly "swim". :P
Next was my trip alone with him to Jacob Ballas park for the waterplay (previous post). He had such fun he nearly didn't want to leave! I was flexing my muscles, getting ready to haul him away bodily, but he didn't need to. Whew....hahahaa.! Promised him to bring him back for sand play soon.
Many times, I just dropped Jaz off at my parents, and bring J down to BP plaza for a walk. either a ride on the Barney rides, or a frolic at the playground, or helping me buy groceries at NTUC. Most importantly, is letting him know Mommy is still here with him.
Making croquettes with him.
Instead of hubby going out to buy lunch or dinner, now I bring J alone and walk to the foodcourt to buy meals back on weekends if we not cooking. He will hang around or sit on the ledge while I order, or playing around the columns and the di-gam machines there. Then we walk back, teaching him about pedestrian crossings and the difference between red man, green man, and flashing green man on the way. Also letting J take the kiddy rides...he always say he wants the ducky ride...
We brought him to FIDGETS too. I was so elated and excited going back there again, coz this time I am not pregnant and I can go up the climb around like a monkey with J. best of all (or so I thought), I can take THIS slide with him! Oh my oh my...its so SUPER STEEP, my heart nearly dropped when I went down. I even nearly chickened out when sitting on top, getting read to come down. J on the other hand, sitting on my lap, was grinning away. I got a burn on my right elbow by trying to lean back and slowing down my descent. Aiyoh...
We also brought him to feed the fishes at Botanic Gardens one evening, and had a quiet dinner at the food court there. Something different on a weekend afternoon.
Brought him to cut his hair, which was a huge progress on its own. Friends who know J will know he used to scream bloody murder when having his hair cut. Now he don't! Well done my boy!
he looking ever so cool...
Can't resist taking a photo of the new United Sq Customer Service counter. so cute! In the shape of a bus!
J on a Thomas Ride! Wheels can turn, bells you can clank, whistles too!
Sending him back by bus from school alone...(previous post)
This post is belated, coz we embarked on J's 1st culinary adventure 2-3 weeks back already, before he fell sick. Hey, I swear its not the croquettes.
In an attempt to make him to chew, and take more angmoh style food, I decided to make croquettes with him. So, I prepared all the ingredients, brought the IKEA table to the kitchen, laid out all the necessities in IKEA colourful plates and bowls. Put Jaz to bed, then called J to the kitchen. "Wow....." he went.
Lets start making a mess!
Under my guidance, he poured, stirred, smeared....heheee...initially he din like to get dirty, so insisted on using the spatula to stir the mixture. But soon he decided getting dirty is part of the fun, so he used his hands.
The whole cup of milk went in before I can stop him. Ooops! mixture too watery! lucky Daddy Sam managed to still fry them into decent croquettes in the pan later.
Jovann mixing boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, mushrooms, onions, cheese, butter, fresh milk, eggs in the mixing bowl. and he got carried away shaking the pepper and italian seasoning into it too. Hee! He also initially didn't want to wear that apron, but saw me put mine on (mine is a cute pink one we bought in Melb), and he did it too.
I don't want the apron!
He drank the milk before pouring it in!
Gingerly holding the spatula...
During this process, Jaz cried a lot of times, both the helper and hubby couldn't soothe her. This mommy had to rush in and out of the bedroom, covered with flour and raw eggs, to calm her down, before I can continue my kitchen adventure with the big one.
Daddy frying.
So, the excited mommy dish 2 croquettes for his dinner. Served with a bowl of chicken soup with carrots and egg. And guess what? He took 3 bites and stopped!!!!
Without going into details, it subsequently took us 2 hours to make him finish the 2 croquettes. Aiyoh!!!!
J imitating me beating the raw egg to put into the soup.
Have not been updating the blog for some time, coz poor Jovann is sick. Sigh..I expected this ever since he started school, but its still very very tiring, as we have to do our best to protect the smaller Jaz at the same time.
There's so many things I wanted to blog about, but there's no time.
For now, an update on a craft I did with him last weekend.
Part 1 (Have not done Part 2 with him hehee) Jovann has been interested in the Rainbow Fish ever since I read him the book, and more so after the musical. This weekend, I decided to try the Rainbow Fish theme, borrowing some ideas from some fantastic moms. But I did my own version of crafts, so that the fish can "swim" hahahaa...
We went through his book again, and as usual he was more interested in the octupus hehee. Then I told him we are going to do a Rainbow Fish, and he got excited. He chose red out of the 6 bottles of paint I showed him, so we got started doing a red Rainbow fish.
Paint paint, making a mess. I guided him to stick the tail and fins together, but as the sides of the paper plate don't really go on easily, I did this part mostly myself. Now he knows a fish has a tail and fins! He wasn't paying attention when I talked to him about the gills though!
I did the eyes, then he stick the mouth. Then he insisted on pasting a nose!!! no matter what I told him, he wanted to do it, so I let him. Hhmph. well.... can you make out where's J's "fishnose"? oh dear..what am I teaching him hehehe..
He pasted on the scales too, even the shining ones I prepared using aluminium foil. I basically let him free play here, but sometimes have to bring him attention back to the scales coz he tends to get carried away with the nose thing. He pasted the scales in all directions, and some directly on top of the other. But thats alright, its fun! Our Rainbow Fish! The next day, I took out 2 tongue depressors (nope, these are not icecream sticks), and stick them onto the back of the fish. J then happily brought the fish swimming all over the living room, round and round the coffee table! Making the gulping nose of "ger lomp....ger lomp..." when he does it hehee. He then swam the fish over to his new toy basketball to say hi. Serious. He actually held the fish and make it look at the basketball and said "Hello ball, how are you doing?". Hehe! pity I didn't catch that on video. When he next went to Ah Gong's place, he insisted on bringing it along to show Ah Gong his fish. :)
I was inspired by a few homeschooling moms, and I decided to do something different from Jovann this weekend besides our usual kicking balls, playground, playdates and swim. I am not good at this, so what we did may seem very juvenile to some, but J had fun doing it so that's what counts right? *making excuses for my poor arts and craft skills hahaha*
I started off using the book by Ursborne's "The Zoo" as theme this first time. Its a book we bought from Melbourne when J was 1yr old, and he has been reading this book for the past few weeks. It was also from this book he learnt of camels, rhinocerous and crocodiles.
I started off with his favourite animal. Elephant. He already knows the distinct features of the elephant, but I went through it again with the book. I had previously cut out the shapes of the elephants parts, and now I asked him to glue the parts on to the paper. Before I drew in the eyes, he couldn't figure out where to put the "big flappy ears" hehee.
He took this photo of his own artwork.
He did all these, except the body and the head. I then held his hand to write in the word "Elephant", letting him read aloud each letter as we write. Very funny, initially he put both ears on one side of the head (I forgot to take pics), and I warned hubby not to laugh when he ran to show him (Hubby actually then commented matter of factly...."oooh....the elephant has 2 left ears...". But J took a 2nd look at the pic and said himself "its wrong" and ran back to the table to remove the ear and placed it in the right position.
Next, on a later occasion, we did monkeys. :) For some reason, whenever he sees trees or plants or even shrubs, he will say "monkeys!" or "elephants!". So I drew the outline of the tree (simple trunk and round top), and prepared yellow (I dun have brown) and green paint. Now thats when he got excited. Time for making a mess!!!! He looked at the bottles of paint and went "Wowwwww.....", then proceeded to pour the entire $2 contents onto the paper hahaha.
He painted. Or rather, he smeared the green onto the tree top, with his hands, with the brush, with the spoon even heheheehe! After the tree is completed, he put in the monkeys. :) The big monkey is blocking the tree trunk lah. Next, tigers!!!!
For some reason, he chose the blue paint when I asked him "what colour do you want your tiger to be?". Well, have to nurture their creativity right? So..... a blue tiger was borned. Actually a blue tiger and a blue tiger cub. I really don't know what I was thinking when I drew the tigers so small! He's only 2 yr old!!! can see where most of the blue paint landed on. :P
Then he put in the black/brown stripes. :)
I considered whether to cut out the tigers and paste it on another paper to make it more presentable. But I figured what the heck, this is DONE by my son!
***9 January 2008 Friday*** Today is your second day of school and its still a short day (1.5hours instead of the actual 2.5hours). Mommy Daddy was supposed to let you be in class alone today while we wait outside the windows. We said byebye to you and initially you were ok for some time. You were walking around exploring the toys. And whenever you look over we smiled at you and indicated we are here and you should continue playing.
You kept coming to the window. and even opened the cabinets under the window to see whats inside. you also kept running out of the classroom. Sometimes you were held back by the teachers, once you ran out so fast the teachers didn't see you.
At one time, you found a necklace, and you put it on and showed mommy at the window.
During one of the times you ran out, you started crying when you were restrained. I continued being positive and smiling at you but now it doesn't work anymore. You want to be with us, not separated by a wall and windows. You have started crying very badly, and your chinese teacher carried you and wiped away your tears.
You stopped a while when the class went to the toilet. Then continued when you came back.
By now, Mommy Daddy were hiding at another side, I think you cried coz you cannot see us. You cannot imagine how our heart is breaking hearing and seeing you cry like that, yet knowing the best thing for you is not to rush in.
Mdm Oh carrying you.
Well, quite a few things happened today with regards to how the teachers handled certain situations. But since we have addressed it I don't think its appropriate to mention her.
During snacks time, you also were crying. Daddy was so worried if you will eat when crying, that he decided to go in and soothe you down.
When its playmat time, you are in such a bad mood you didn't want to join unlike yesterday. So you sat on a table playing toys by yourself, soon after joined by Matthias. For the rest of the lesson, you didn't join in the mat time at all.
After school, we brought you to Macdonalds for breakfast since you didn't eat at all in school. And you had a balloon from the Mac's auntie, hope it cheered you up.
***12 January 2008 Monday*** Today is Monday, the first day we said bye bye to you at the classroom door. You didn't cry at separation, and Mommy Daddy hide somewhere to take peeps at you. You sat at a table in a daze for very very long. There were toys in front of you but you weren't touching them. You were looking at kids playing around you, and the kids crying around you. Mommy Daddy were silently urging you to go play. Then you did move, and did something we least expected.
You stood up from your chair, and walked to the cupboard. You rummaged in the cupboard for a while, and took out a huge toy aeroplane. Mommy Daddy thought that finally you are taking something to play. But no. You walked to a table where there was a crying boy, and you put the toy on his table, and gently nudged it in front of him! Then you walked away. This entire act took maybe 5mins, but it left a deep imprint on Mommy Daddy's hearts. We are so proud of you, and I am not ashamed to say Mommy shed a few tears to see that. Maybe it wouldn't seem like much to others, but it meant something to us because these 1-2mths you have started snatching toys and exhibiting a reluctance to share things. We were worried how you will behave in school.
Here we are so worried about how you are settling in, yet you found in yourself the heart to console another friend crying whilst you yourself were not exactly in your comfort zone in the first place. I love you my boy.
You then went to join in 2 friends to play a ball game.
About 10mins later, you suddenly started crying. I think it was the crying classmates getting to you though you held it up pretty well initially. Poor thing, Mommy Daddy was outside peeping at you all the while.
Throughout the whole 2.5hours class, you didn't play anything at all. You were alternately crying and sobbing. We can see your chest heaving even when you weren't outright brawling. Even when you go to the gym where there's your fav car rides and slides, you didn't even join in. all the while holding tightly to whichever teachers hands and not participating. We so heartpain, especially when we see you sitting alone at a table not doing anything but staring around.
Despite telling ourselves this will get better, we cannot help wondering how long this will take. :(
At the gym, what made it worse was when Daddy accidentally showed his face at the one-way window! You started wailing for him again and again, the teacher had to lie to you that Daddy went home, and she came out to tell the other parents/grandmothers off for appearing in the window (me and Daddy were hiding so she doesn't know we are the culprits :P).
You walking into the library corner.
At the end of school, you saw us and started crying very pitifully, hugging us very very tight.
***13 January 2008 Tuesday***
We let you bring a diecast toy (Culdee) and your water bottle into class today as your comfort items. (You lost your Culdee, but remembered your waterbottle.)
Today you cried at separation. We had to wave byebye to you and forced ourselves to walk off. You were wailing very very loudly and could be heard even when we nearing the foyer area. Jayden's mom asked if we wanna go back to soothe you. I didn't need much persuasion, so I went back. You were still crying but Ms Marie was trying to pretend to let you call Mommy Daddy on the telephone in the classroom.
Mommy played with you on the ball toy and you were happily distracted. I slowly inched you onto your own chair (you were sitting on my lap) then signalled for the chinese teacher to come over. When she's here and distracting you with a toy durian, Mommy patted your head and said byebye and walked off. You started crying but you didn't get up to follow me. I walked out and joined daddy. We went for breakfast.
When we came back Daddy peeped at you and saw you singing the "if you're happy" song and shouting "Hurray" with the lyrics. Yeah! :P I then peeped at you in the last 15mins of the lesson, and saw you standing beside Mdm Oh at the front of the playmat, prob doing your usual kaypoh acts like you like to do in JG. hehe, thats means our Jovann is back! When the kids taking school bus left the class, you waved byebye at them, then took your water bottle from the many bottles the teacher laid out on the table, and held onto it. Jayden today is the first time taking school bus, and he was so cool about it, waiting his turn on the playmat.
When you came out and saw us, you were so happy you kept calling "Mommy Mommy!" and told Mdm Oh your parents are here. She let go your hand and you ran towards us very happily. Such a difference from yesterday. Mdm Oh said you again didn't eat your snacks today.
***14 January 2008 Wednesday***
When we reached the foyer where we are supposed to drop you with your teachers, you cried. You ran to the playground, and Mdm Oh fetched you from there. You were crying and crying and she had to carry you into the class.
After our breakfast, Daddy bumped into Mdm Oh washing the bowls in the canteen, and she said you finished all your coco pops, and asked Daddy is it that you like coco pops. Wow, what an amazing piece of news. Mommy tried cornflakes and coco crunch with you before but you didn't like them. I decided I will buy some for you today. :) (so later I brought you to NTUC after your nap, and asked you what you eat today in school. You pointed at almost all the boxes, so I nearly bought all. :P)
When school ended, you were as excited to see me as yesterday. Auntie Brenda was there with Arianne already, and you swerved to meet Auntie Brenda instead. Hehee.
***15 January 2008 Thursday***
Mdm Oh met us at the foyer this morning, and you cried as usual but you actually let her hold your hand instead of struggling like you did yesterday. And the funny thing is you walked away with her to the classroom crying, but without a backward glance at us!!!
When school ended, Mommy was there alone to fetch you for the first time. Daddy had to go back to work already. Saw you playing with the playmat and getting your magazines from Mdm Oh.
You walked out holding a pretty girl Kimberley's hands. You saw me and greeted me happily, but refused to hold my hand when I wanted to! You told me "no, hold hands!" At this age, you already prefer holding hands with your "girlfriend" and not mommy! Goodness. :o
We walked to the bus stop the first time today, tried the shady private estate route. On the way out, you saw kids boarding the school bus and said you want to take bus. Mommy told you we going to take big bus. On the way to the bus stop, you saw a WISH parked there and happily shouted out "Daddy's car!".
We took bus for the first time today.You looked a big stunned sitting on a big bus seat by yourself. I put my right hand in front of your body and told you you need a "seatbelt". You pushed my hand away and attempted searching for a real seat belt on the right side of the seat hehe. I then told you big bus no seatbelt so Mommy's hand is the seat belt. Only then did you allow me to hold it there.
***16 January 2008 Friday***
Breakthrough! Can't believe it haha.
This morning, when we reached the foyer Mdm Oh is not around as she had just fetched 2 kids into the classroom. Daddy decided to try asking you to walk to the classroom yourself, since you weren't crying. You actually obeyed him, and started in the right direction. Daddy and Mommy were quite stunned for that few seconds, and both stood there gazing after you. You turned back, saw us standing there like idiots with our mouth hanging open, and commanded "No, you sit down!". We obeyed, and you continued on your way holding onto your waterbottle. We can't believe it!
You were met halfway by the 2 teachers in the neighbouring class, who then walked you to your class and handed you over to Ms Marie.
We went for breakfast still in a daze hahaa.
Mommy fetched you when school finished. We crossed the overhead bridge to the bus stop again. This time we took the less sheltered big slope route coz the weather wasn't burning hot. When you reached the road, you actually said you want to take taxi. Mommy persuaded you to take bus hehee.
When we reached the bus stop opposite, you were super funny. You sat like this with your hands held up. You said something like "I want to take bus", and held your hands like this for quite long. Hahahaaa... Pls don't ask me why Jovann did this. He didn't tell me. Prob he saw me flagging the cab and bus this way? And you looked real serious doing this, I had to try so hard not to laugh. SO funny hahahaha! ************************************* That's you in your first 1 week of so of starting school. You can see the transition and the maturing over a span of 7 days of school. Its Monday again tomorrow, who knows what it might bring?