A Little Space to Call Our Own

Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

The 2 of us

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jazreel is 11 Weeks

*****10 January 2008*****

You are 11 weeks old tomorrow. How time flies (Yes I sound like a broken record). Silly Mommy today accidentally hurt you when cutting your nails. I feel so heartpain..... :( I am so sorry little Jaz. I won't do it again. More of this later.

First, Jaz at 11 weeks old...
* you already have quite a strong neck since birth. When you lie on our chest, you can raise your head high for quite some time. Ah Gong wish to claim credit for this in view of all his paosheng, ginseng, black chicken tonics when mommy pregnant. Mommy also thinks it could be coz I drink pregnancy milk with you, which I didn't with gorgor.

* I love burrowing my face into your soft standing up hair, and let it tickle my nose, and breathe in deeply your lovely scent of your baby hair.

* I love rubbing my nose behind your ears, your neck and smell you.

* I love smelling your breath, and your hands/mittens after you have sucked on them for a while

* I love to take a peep of your fleshy shoulders when nursing you

* I love pinching your arms and your thunder thighs. Your thunder thighs are too thunder even for the leg warmers mommy bought which is meant for older babies

* You are much more responsive with your smiles now when we play with you. Your gurgling laughter and your baby chuckles are music to my ears. You laugh with your mouth wide open every time.

* Your cries are very very gentle. Even ah gong commented on it. You complain more than you cry. And your complains are like talking. Only if you are really angry or tired or upset with something will you cry.

* You are a lovely conversationalist. Mommy love talking to and fro with you when you are in a good mood. I will imitate your Ahs....eerrs...gahs....uhs.....so adorable.

* At home, you usually are awake for 1-1.5hours before you need a nap. I guess this awake time is going to increase now that you are growing older. But go ahead and nap as much as you want darling, coz you are growing as you sleep. As long as you don't bounce off the walls at night. :P

* Talking about bouncing off walls, nowadays piggy Mommy have difficulty hearing your cries through the baby monitor in the middle of the night. Daddy sometimes have to nudge me. Your cries are so sweet and soft and feminine. Aiyoh. Probably that explains why by the time I change your diaper, you are wide awake and kicking happily. And I would be punished coz you will not be a co-operative nurser and will then tend to stay awake longer before going back to bed. That explains why, even though nowadays you sleep through from 8-9pm to 4-5am, Mommy is still tired.

* You can often fall asleep by yourself for naps, especially after a good feed. And of course at night, at home, which you were able to do much earlier. Have not perfected it at Ah Gong Ah Ma's place though.

***This is how you fall asleep in the rocker in your bedroom for a nap***


Ok, now for how your silly mommy hurt your little finger this morning. It really gave me such a fright. You see, Mommy has always been squeamish about cutting baby nails. Do you know that I have never cut gor gor's nails before? somehow, baby nails are too fragile and there's this phychological barrier in me that don't allow me to try. With you, I plucked up courage to cut your nails when you were 9-10 weeks old. Yes, thats the first time your nails are cut. And its on New Year's Day. Hiao Mommy wish to remove your mittens that day for a night out, so I had to cut right? You were so guai, you actually let me cut when you were awake, and didnt struggle. You were actually gurgling and smiling away. I promise you Mommy will bring you to manicures and pedicures with me next time kae? :) Well, this occasion your pretty nails were trimmed without any trouble.

Then today. Mommy cut for you again. Then I realise there's still a small piece of sharp nail at a corner of your little pinkie. Mommy tried again and again to remove it, but I had to try many times before I could. Just before I could feel smug about achieving it, you gave a cry! I quickly check and realise its starting to bleed! Oh no....I was scolding myself while holding it tight with tissue paper. Then I rummaged in the firstaid box and took out alcohol swab to disinfect it, and antibacterial lotion and a small plaster (but I didn't put these on coz I am not sure if you can have Betadine on your skin). After the swab, it bleeded more! I cannot tell you how I panicked. I took a clean hanky with warm water to clean it, then held it there for very long. But it still bleed. There were spots of blood on the bedsheets on and on the pillow. All scary thoughts flashed through my mind, and I nearly couldn't think. I quickly picked up the phone and dialled our GP number but they are closed. Called your daddy out from the room then went to check internet for how to stop bleeding. Luckily, Daddy managed to find another piece of plaster that's more suitable, and put it on for you, that eventually stopped the bleeding. I nursed you and you napped for a while.

You are so brave, aside from the complaining sounds and fussing, you didn't break into outright wails at all throughout all this. Its Mommy who's wailing inside. :( Silly me!!!!!

Mommy searched for antibiotic cream which I shld apply for you, and found a bottle of antibiotic powder given by your PD for your cord stump when you were 1 week old. Since its for your cord stump, its definitely safe for little you. Mommy applied that for you tonight when washing you up, and put on a fresh piece of new plaster for you (Daddy bought a new box of tiny plasters during our dinner tonight). Here's a pic of your little poor pinkie on my brave little girl.

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